If you are a Victorian resident and enrolling in an accredited secondary school teaching degree you could be eligible for a Secondary Teaching Scholarship (STS) that pays you while you learn and supports you with costs of studying and living.
The scholarships will be available to students who enrol in eligible secondary school teaching degrees in 2024 and 2025, with further payments if they then work in Victorian government secondary or specialist school settings after they complete their degree requirements.
STS consists of two phases: a study phase and an employment phase.
During the study phase:
Eligible undergraduate students will receive approximately $9,600 across their 4-year full-time equivalent (FTE) teaching degree.
Eligible postgraduate students will receive approximately $5,700 across their 2-year FTE teaching degree.
During the employment phase, which occurs when you secure a job in the Victorian education system within 15 months of completing a teaching qualification:
Eligible undergraduate student graduates will receive approximately $8,400 during their first 2 years of teaching in a Victorian government secondary or specialist school setting (a total of approximately $18,000 when combined with the study component).
Eligible postgraduate student graduates will receive approximately $3,300 across their first two years of teaching in a Victorian government secondary or specialist school (a total of approximately $9,000 when combined with the study component).