
Become more connected and supported than ever with our network of incredible mentors and mentees.

mentoring that's right for you

Branch Out Mentoring

Mentoring for secondary school students preparing for life after school.

Transition Mentoring

Mentoring for school leavers pursuing further education or training, apprenticeships or starting their career.

What is Mentoring?

A mentoring relationship is a partnership where both people can learn. A mentor can be like a buddy, or they can have a more formal role. Our unique program encourages mentors and mentees to work out the type of relationship that will work for them.

Mentoring can take place face-to-face or through any form of technology that suits both people. Mentors and mentees participate in a brief training workshop and Youthrive Victoria staff are available to provide additional advice and support.

Why is Mentoring Important?

We believe having a mentor can make a big difference in life. The purpose of the Youthrive Victoria Mentoring Program is to ensure young rural Victorians are well supported in life after school.


How can I get Involved?

If you have questions or would like to become a mentor, contact us via the form below! 

Have Questions?

our mentoring team are here to help

Ask a mentor