
Volunteer @ Newstead Young Writers Festival

Newstead Young Writers Festival will be held in Newstead, Vic on October 20th, 2024. 

Guided by a team of professional storytellers (including incredible local talent plus Australian award winners like John Marsden, Gabrielle Wang and Andy Jackson) there will be opportunities to share stories, ideas, images and dreams and develop your unique storytelling voice.

We need volunteers to help make this festival a success!

There are many ways you can get involved as a volunteer, both in the lead up to the festival and on the day.

What we’re looking for:

We are looking to bring about 20 to 30 volunteers on board to help with various tasks on the day such as set up and pack up, registration and ticketing, greeting and assisting our presenters and festival-goers, directing traffic, hosting sessions / introducing presenters and more! We’d also really love some volunteers to help with setting up on Saturday 19th October.

What we’ll need from you:

  • A current Working with Children check. These are free and simple to obtain. Simply go to https://www.vic.gov.au/working-with-children-check or contact us for assistance, questions or further information.

  • A commitment to be available on the festival day (Sunday 20th October) or the day before (Saturday 19th October) and for an induction and training session in Newstead (dates to be confirmed).

Ready to join the festival fun?!

If you’re ready to join the team and have a whole lot of fun while supporting our young emerging writers, submit your details on the website. 

Want to get involved sooner??

We’d also love to hear from you if you’re able to contribute to the organising committee, for example with fundraising or a number of practical tasks in the lead up to the festival.