Young Rural 
and Regional Victorians

Discover local opportunities  •  join groups  •  make connections  •  enjoy local & online events

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Where the real and virtual worlds meet

The Rural Youth Network is creating a new type of community where young people can find connections locally and across the state of Victoria.

Designed and built from the ground up by a team of young rural Victorians, The Rural Youth Network is the first of its kind to truly understand the needs of rural young people in Victoria and create opportunities for them to become more connected and supported than ever both in the real world and online.

Would you like to meet more people, learn new things, navigate challenges, discuss shared interests and discover  opportunities with other young people? Then join The Rural Youth Network!

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it's time to get


Connect with like-minded rural young people from around Victoria today.



#ruralstories “I think something that I’m a big believer in is taking chances and chasing opportunities. Opportunities don’t just come to you. You can be in a bit of a bubble in a rural town, and it can be really

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